7 Swords of Saint Michael (7 Espadas de San Miguel) Prayer Candle
To enhance your faith, safeguard your home and dear ones, and surmount personal difficulties and barriers, light our 7 Swords of Saint Michael (7 Espadas de San Miguel) Prayer Candle. You may also use this candle while praying for healing and conflict resolution.
In numerous traditions, Saint Michael is perceived as a potent protector and defender. The candle is believed to summon his mediation and protection, with the seven swords representing the seven archangels led by Saint Michael. The candle is often utilized in rituals and prayers to request their counsel and safety.
For added potency, put a few drops of our Saint Michael oil on the top of the burning candle.
- 2 1/4" Wide and 8" Tall
- This candle will burn for approximately 100 hours
- 100% Paraffin Wax
O Saint Michael the Archangel, come to our aid in battle. Shield us against the wickedness and traps of the devil. May God rebuke him, we implore; and you, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all evil spirits who prowl throughout the world, seeking the ruin of souls.
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